You may recall that my previous post included a video clip titled AMAZING FACTS ABOUT WHALES (the more imaginative original title, WHALE WATCHING FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN COUCH WHILE GUZZLING BEER AND WOLFING DOWN A BOATLOAD OF SEA-SALTED SNACKS, was apparently scuttled for being too much to digest in one sitting).

Now, after much wailing from the peanut gallery and an underwhelming wave of favorable comments about that post, I can say that a whale watcher by any other name would smell as sweat, so (having no shame), how about a post about another amazing sea creature, the SMELLYFISH?

You have no doubt heard that an ingredient discovered in SMELLYFISH (more commonly known as the jellyfish) is the “clinically tested” source of the product shown in this clip (click, then scroll down a bit to view the commercial):

Now, I don’t know about your pungency, but I can assure you that much the same smell discovered in SMELLYFISH can be found in even greater abundance by nosing around my armpits, feet, or posterior. While I can’t honestly promise that my byproduct will improve your memory permanently, I can pretty much guarantee that you won’t forget it in the near term. So why pay for this unproven product:

….when you can buy my unproven product (called B.O. IN A BOTTLE) for a fraction of the price. Just send me a signed blank check (don’t worry about the amount — I’ll fill that in and save you the trouble), and you too can have peace of minus, knowing that what you smell is what you get (when I get around to it).

Act now and I’ll throw in a clothespin at no extra charge, just in case my smell is more than you bargained for. Fits any size nose in a pinch.