To begin with, this post isn’t the story of my life, which has never been that of a party goer, let alone a party pooper. At my age, I no longer even want to celebrate my birthdays. What’s to celebrate, having lived so long that being party to a party is a pain in the butt (as is pooping a pain in the butt, for that matter).

And I’m even more tired of political parties than of birthday parties — particularly the Republican Party, which Donald Trump has turned into his own personal possession. Talk about a party pooper! Until enough American voters have had it with him, party politics is a GOP joke….but he and it ain’t funny.

So, what’s upcoming? Oct. 11 is IT’S MY PARTY DAY and Oct. 18 is my birthday, and I’m heading up the creek without a party, in a manner of speaking….but I’m still up for some good old party music:

….including a party just for the record:

To end with (and make a song story short), I have an announcement: