It has come to my attention that a flying horse has been spotted by the landed gentry in, of all places, the South Lennox neighborhood of La La land:

It was reported that the winged steed is called Pegasus, although the origin of that mythical name is Greek to me. What is clear is that that spotted bag of hay is very white, and South Lennox is very black, so we can only speculate that Pegasus is either very brazen, or has no more horse sense than a horsefly in a Raid commercial. What we cannot entertain is the notion that mistermuse is a racist pig for suggesting that a white horse is ASKING for trouble in a black ‘hood. After all, we’re talking about a flying horse, not a talking horse (as opposed to a stalking horse, which of course IS asking for trouble).

Unfortunately, the trouble with trouble is that you don’t have to ask for trouble in order to find yourself in it….even in Paradise:

Therefore, friends, my advice to you is don’t ‘nag;’ tighten your shin chaps, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, and 🙂 🙂 🙂